the autogenic training institute


Copyright © 2011 ❘ The Autogenic Training Institute ❘ All Rights Reserved

How does it work?

Autogenic Training takes you through a series of validated exercises and trains you to consciously control your Autonomic Nervous System which governs the functioning of our heart (cardio-vascular), lungs (respiratory), stomach and bowels (gastrointestinal and excretory system) and impacts on the functioning of our muscles, brain, nerves, blood vessels, biochemical responses and immune system.

The Autonomic Nervous System is like a see-saw. The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is switched on when we are ‘challenged’ and the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) is switched on when we need to rest, repair and regenerate (RRR). Unfortunately, in this day and age, we are ‘challenged’ constantly. Our SNS is in over-drive and our PSNS is sluggish causing all kinds of physical, psychological and cognitive problems. For optimal health, resilience and performance, our SNS and PSNS needs to be in balance. In other words, we need to be able to switch off our SNS.

Through a state of passive observance of bodily signals as a form of biofeedback, Autogenic Training trains us to consciously direct our brain, using passive instruction, to ‘turn down’ our SNS and ‘switch on’ our PSNS, allowing the body’s natural repair and regulation mechanism, including the immune system, to strengthen.

This also regulates biochemical, circulatory and cellular activity which impacts not only on bodily mechanisms but also affects thinking, emotional and behavioral responses which in turn affects mental resilience and performance.

On a micro level of regeneration, Autogenics retrains cells, glands, the brain and organs to behave as they are ‘meant to’, that is, to work in harmony and to restore the natural order.

In the more advanced levels of Autogenic Training, whilst in an Autogenic State, potent visualization/imagery and affirmation techniques are introduced which further enhances our ability to heal and maximize our potential as human beings.

Based on decades of research and thousands of clinical studies, Autogenic Training is a mind-body regeneration technique that actually works! It is a skill for life and the ultimate in true resilience building, stress management and performance enhancement.

how does it work?
what is autogenics?what_is_autogenics.html
about usAbout_Us.html
autogenics historyautogenics_history.html
client experiencesclient_experiences.html
clinical evidenceclinical_evidence.html