the autogenic training institute


Copyright © 2011 ❘ The Autogenic Training Institute ❘ All Rights Reserved

Autogenic Training for Mental Health

Autogenic Training is an extremely effective therapy for the treatment of all psychological issues.

Research into Autogenic Training shows that it assists with the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, anger management, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, self-harm, obsessive compulsive disorder, anorexia nervosa and bulimia, Tourette Syndrome, Ticks and other disorders. (See ‘Clinical Evidence’)

Studies have shown that clients who undertake Autogenic Training are often able to reduce or completely cease their intake of pharmaceutical medications for psychological conditions. For
example, one study showed that research participants with an Anxiety Disorder who had been taught Autogenic Training had more positive treatment outcomes on average than those participants with Anxiety who had only relied on medication for their treatment of their Anxiety Disorder.

It is important however, before undertaking Autogenic Training, to be professionally diagnosed by a mental health specialist such as a Psychologist or Psychiatrist and that your Autogenic Training is conducted by a qualified Mental Health Professional who also specializes in Autogenics. Autogenic Training is therapeutically powerful on its own, but often in therapy, Autogenic Training will be used as an adjunct to other forms of therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

For more information regarding Autogenic’s efficacy in the treatment of psychological issues, please see ‘Client Experience’ and ‘Clinical Evidence’ or email Helen Gibbons at

how does it work?how_does_it_work.html
what is autogenics?what_is_autogenics.html
about usAbout_Us.html
autogenics historyautogenics_history.html
client experiencesclient_experiences.html
clinical evidenceclinical_evidence.html
improve performanceimprove_performance.html
for organizationsfor_organisations.html
for individualsfor_individuals.html
for mental health
for medical conditionsfor_medical_conditions.html